A Ministry Dedicated to Healing the Heartbreak of Abortion


"I thought if I had an abortion everything would be over with and my life would go back to normal. I was so wrong."

"My abortion didn't end my pain, it began it. I thought I had moved on, but then I had other children. I constantly worried for their safety and was way overprotective. I yelled at them for the smallest things. I knew something was wrong."

"I tried everything to dull the pain. For the first time in 15 years, I was able to share my grief, guilt, and my anger. Nothing worked, until now."

Abortion is not a secret anymore; it is now freely discussed in our society. Despite this openness, many women have pain and experiences that they don't feel comfortable telling anyone.

Millions of women hold this secret deep inside, and many are suffering severe consequences. Surrendering the Secret allows women who need help to connect with women who can help.

Surrendering the Secret is your place to offer help and encouragement to those who have experienced abortion in the past. Maybe you are concerned for a friend or family member. Surrendering the Secret is about connection; you don't have to be alone.

There is hope. There is help.

If you have never shared or been to counseling regarding your abortion experience, it may be affecting your current quality of life. Surrendering the Secret offers a safe place to talk with other women who understand.


Many women who have experienced abortion hide the secret deep in their hearts and suffer in silence. The Surrendering the Secret Bible study enables women to release this burden and find freedom through the honest, interactive study of God's Word; meaningful group experiences; unique journaling exercises; and confidential, caring community. This powerful, redemptive study helps each hurting woman find her personal path to healing. Learn more at surrenderingthesecret.com

You can get involved by confidentially contacting the local leader of Surrendering the Secret or by sending a private message to her using the button below. Leave a contact email or phone number and she will get in touch with you within 24 hours.

Kyra Diversey


You’ve been given incredible power—the choice to make life and the choice to take life. By joining Surrendering the Secret you’ve made the choice to make life—to begin the journey toward healing.