Devastating Anti-Life Bill in Colorado

Liberal politicians in Denver have once again made their motives clear. They will stop at nothing to end life before it can even take its first breath. Christ said that “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;” and thieves are once again desecrating the sanctity of human life.

Their latest atrocity, a bill called the “Reproductive Health Equity Act”, seeks to codify in Colorado a person’s ability to kill the unborn up to the moment of birth. This is outrageous! Contact your local representatives today and compel them to vote against HB22-1279 “Reproductive Health Equity Act”.

Link to the text of the legislation:

Representative Dylan Roberts
Office Phone Number: 303-866-2923

Senator Kerry Donovan
Office Phone Number: 303-866-4871
Email Address:

If you live in Eagle County contact Rep. Dylan Roberts and Sen. Kerry Donovan and tell them to vote no on this legislation.