COVID-19 Preparations and Precautions

Dear First Baptist Family,

With the spread of Coronavirus in America, I wanted you to know what we are doing to ensure our church family is safe and protected. We are committed to doing whatever we can to provide you, your family, and your friends with a safe environment to worship and fellowship. With that in mind, here are a few notes on how we are proactively working to protect the FBC family:

*No church fellowship dinners will be held until further notice. This includes our Birthday and Anniversary Fellowship Dinner that was planned for March 15.

*Offering plates will not be passed by the ushers until further notice, but offering plates will be located at the back of the auditorium. You may deposit your tithes and offerings in the plate as you leave the service. You may also choose to give by mail at PO Box 815, Gypsum, CO 81637.

* If you are experiencing any symptoms at all, we are encouraging you to stay home! We will attempt to livestream the Sunday Service on Facebook.

*We are asking our senior members and guests (60+) to consider the risks that COVID-19 poses to their age demographic and plan accordingly.  While I do not desire for you to live in fear, I do desire to maintain your health.  Please give serious consideration to staying home.

*We are asking our members and guests to refrain from handshaking during this time. (Feel free to substitute a smile and verbal greeting) Please frequently use the hand sanitizer that is available throughout the building.

*Nursery toys and all hard surfaces in the nursery will be sanitized before services. Please be sure that your child’s items, especially drinking cups, are clearly labeled with their name.

As of right now, the threat in our area of Colorado is moderate, however, we will monitor the threat and respond accordingly. At this time, Eagle County officials are recommending limiting group sizes to no more than 50.

The service schedule for Sunday, March 15, will be as follows:  Sunday School at 9:30am, Sunday Worship at 10:30am, and no evening service.  Please follow Facebook for updates on any future service changes.

Lastly, we as believers must seek to remain calm and put our trust in God. The Psalmist said, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee.” C. S. Lewis said, “In such a fearful world, we need a fearless church.” 

In Christ,

Pastor Steve Monroe

First Baptist Church of Gypsum

Updated March 13, 2020 at 4:32 pm

A Great Work and a Great Need

In 1382, John Wycliffe completed the first translation of the Bible into the common man’s language when he finished a translation of the Bible into the English language.  Ever since that time, the need for translation work continues to be present.  Mankind needs the word of God in a language they can understand.

Kim and I had the privilege recently of visiting the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C.  What an incredible place.  I cannot recommend the museum enough, but among all of the incredible exhibits, manuscripts, and scrolls one room in particular on the 4th floor grabbed my attention.  It is an oval shaped library that contains on one side all of the Bible’s that had been translated into many of the world’s languages.  One Bible for each language.  Then the book shelves continued with yellow books that represent all of the languages of the world that still needed a translation of the Bible.


This incredible visual truly demonstrated for me both the tedious work that has been done, but also the monumental need.  I want to encourage you to pray about this need and also consider giving to missions through your local church.  Most of the translation work that occurs is done by missionaries on the field, but there is more work to be done.

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
—Romans 10:17

Lessons I Learned from our Revival Services

For the last 3 years our church has taken time away from our busy schedules and entered into a season of Revival.  3 years ago, we were privileged to have Evangelist C.T. Spear as our revival speaker, what a blessing that was.  I was a brand-new pastor and Bro. Spear really was an encouragement to me.  Last year Pastor Steve Proctor from Poplar Bluff, MO. Spoke and it was incredible.  As I write this, I’m listening to one of the sermons Bro. Proctor preached last year (you can listen to all previous revival services at here).

This was also the third year that Pastor Tim Demoret led our children in their very own Children’s Revival. This year they learned creative ways to share their faith.

In the adult services this year, Pastor Brock Goetsch from Walnut Grove Baptist Church in Mechanicsville, VA. Spoke for us, and the Holy Spirit moved.  The Lord spoke to so many of our hearts.  I would like to take a moment to share with you what the Lord spoke to me about.

  1. Revival might not look like what I think it should.
    Much like the three Hebrew children in the Daniel chapter 3, I must allow myself to be used any way the Lord chooses to use me.  That might mean that God needs to send me through the fire.  Just like a pawn on a chess board, I must be willing to allow the Lord to sacrifice me for His kingdom’s sake.

  2. Sometimes bad things happen to Christians just so God can get the Glory.
    Whatever the difficulty I am going through is, it’s possible that God has put me through that just so he can prove how great he is.  May I be willing to allow God to use me.

  3. I need to hold onto Christ.
    The Devil likes to remind me of my sin, but I must do everything I can to get back to Jesus.  I cannot allow sin or distractions to keep from Jesus.  I must get to the Lord even when I have fallen away.

I would love to hear how the Lord spoke to you.  Please share with me and others your story of Revival.

Colorado Capitol Connection

What an incredible day yesterday was!

On February 19th, Pastor’s and church members from around the state of Colorado gathered at the Colorado State Capitol to pray for and encourage our legislators. Paul told Timothy to keep government leaders in his prayers.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:1-4

I want to encourage you to pray for out legislators in two ways

1. Pray that the Lord would give them Godly wisdom as they serve as our representatives.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
James 1:5

2. Pray that they would legislate righteously.

But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
Acts 10:35

Remember that prayer makes a difference. We often have not because we ask not. Let me encourage you to pray for your legislators on a regular basis and then reach out t those legoslators and let them know that you are praying for them.

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