Update about Upcoming Meetings

Church Family and Friends,

I just wanted to take a moment and post an update about the current circumstances that are affecting our community and give you a quick update about any changes in service schedules.

First of all, we will be keeping the doors of First Baptist Church open, but we will also continue to encourage families to use their best judgment in regards to whether they are comfortable attending. I would like to express a word caution to those who choose to remain self-quarantined; please, remember that it easy to fall into a pattern of staying home from church - even when the danger has passed. Let’s be eager and ready to return when this all passes over.

Secondly, the Ladies Retreat in Moab has been canceled. Pastor Howe at Moab Baptist truly did not want to cancel, but in the end, he felt it was the best decision. The Ladies Meeting at First Baptist on March 28 will also be rescheduled.

Thirdly, please follow this blog for any updates regarding service schedules. We will be meeting this Wednesday night for Prayer and Bible Study at the church at 7 pm. A decision about the weeks to come will be announced early Thursday morning

Keep your neighbors in prayer, and check on them regularly. The Lord has called us to be His hands and feet during times like these.

With love to you all,

Pastor Monroe