Slow Down

As a young boy, I would run everywhere!  I ran in the house, through the house, outside the house, around the house — basically use any preposition and I ran there.  I can also remember my mother, on more than one occasion, catching me and forcing me to sit down.  I would whine and complain until I was finally again released to run some more!

Is it possible that during this tumultuous time God is grabbing us and telling us to slow down?  Think about it, we often talk about how busy we are and all the things we need to get finished in between taking the kids to school and practices, but now, most of those activities have come to a screeching halt.  God has used a microscopic virus to pump the brakes on the activities of the entire world.  The question we should ask then is, “Why?”

Notice what the Bible says,

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
—Psalm 46:10

I want to encourage everyone, both Christian and Non-Christian to slow down and ponder God.  Here are some ways we can do that.

1.  Pray to God
Prayer is simply talking to God.  Maybe you have never done this and you’re afraid it might feel a little weird, but I can promise you that it will help.  The act of verbally pouring out your heart to God and telling him about your needs will help you sort through the thoughts in your mind.  But most importantly, God is likely the only one who can do anything about the stuff you’re dealing with anyway.  Prayer still works—we just need to do it.

2.  Meditate on Scripture
Get a Bible down off the shelf or download an app on your phone and start reading.  I recommend beginning with the book in the New Testament called “John”.  As you read, think about what the Bible says and what it means for you.

3.  Listen to Worshipful Music
Music has the ability to tug the strings of our heart as nothing else can.  I know that many have playlists for when they are sad or mad or excited, but I want to encourage you to listen to a playlist that is uplifting and encouraging.  Here is a link to an album I have been listening to during these uncertain days.
Click here for link to album

4.  Meet the Needs of Others
Look!  I get it.  We’re all running low on toilet paper!  But let’s be honest, there could someone in your own neighborhood who has a need that you could meet.  The Bible does tell us that it’s a bigger blessing to give than it is to receive so let’s look for ways to help someone around us.

Let’s take time to slow down and know God.  It may be the best thing that comes from all of this mayhem.