God's Classroom

Are you getting “Cabin Fever” yet?  I know I am.  My children are having a hard time understanding why they can’t go out and do the fun the things they usually enjoy like church, storytime at the library, gymnastics, or even just trips to the park, and I am sure that you have many questions as well.  We have been told to stay at home as much as possible[1], but the fact is, we are not accustomed to this type of lifestyle in our culture.  As a matter of fact, many of us are away from home more than we are there.  So, what should we do during this season of isolation? 

I would like to share three Biblical thoughts about a season of isolation.  Moses spent 40 years in isolation after he fled from Egypt.  He was disliked by both the Egyptians and the Hebrews, and so homeless, family-less, and hopeless he endured this lonely season.

1.  Isolation is God’s Training Ground

If we let Him, God will use this season of isolation to mold us into the people he needs us to be.  Think about some of the heroes of the Bible that spent time in Isolation.

                1.  Noah – alone with just his family and the animals in the ark

                2.  Joseph – Sold into slavery and imprisoned

                3.  Gideon – Alone in a winepress threshing wheat

                4.  David – Alone with his sheep

                5.  Jonah – Three days and nights alone in the whale’s belly

                6.  Peter – Weeping and alone after he denied Christ

                7.  Paul – Alone in the wilderness after his conversion

                8.  John – Alone on Patmos

Allow God to teach you during this season.  Stay in the Word, continue praying, and love others.

2.  Moses Learned Humility

Moses would go from being the Prince of Egypt that killed a man in anger to the meekest man in all the earth.  What a stark difference!  The Lord may be teaching us to be humble, so why don’t we put aside the pride and look instead to the needs of others instead of our own needs.  Remember what Jude said.

And of some have compassion, making a difference:
—Jude 1:22

3.  Moses became Contemplative

Take time right now to reflect and contemplate your life.  Not in a regretful way, but rather in a helpful and constructive way.  We need to consider past decisions and weigh them in light of eternity.  Have you kept the Lord first in your life?  Then choose to move forward from here keeping Him as the priority of life. 

Remember, this season of isolation we are in can be used by the Lord to teach us and train us.  It is important that we allow Him to work in our hearts.

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. 
—Isaiah 40:31

—Pastor Steve Monroe

[1] https://covid19.colorado.gov/press-release/state-health-department-issues-public-health-order-reducing-person-work-and