First Baptist Church Midweek Update

Dear Church Family,

You guys are awesome!  I’ve been hearing wonderful stories of ways that you have found to stay in contact with each other, and even better than that you have found creative ways to share the gospel with others.  From using things like good old fashioned hand-written notes sent in the “snail mail” to daily calls around to folks in need.  You all are doing it!  I wish I had come up with this statement, but I’m not this clever – “The Church is not closed.  It has been deployed!”  This is so incredibly true right now.

As you look at the numbers for the impact that COVID-19 is having in Colorado, please remember that we expected the numbers to go up as testing kits became more widely distributed. The recent uptick in confirmed cases is not a surprise, however, the danger still exists. 11 have died in Colorado including one in Eagle County. While we certainly mourn with the families that have experienced loss, we also want to remember that God is still on the throne.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. 
—Isaiah 41:10

I’d like to briefly give you the run-down on the upcoming schedule for the church.  It’s fairly simple, but we need to be aware.

1.       The choir will continue to meet on Wednesday nights at 7 pm.  We ask that only choir members and family attend so that social distancing can be maintained.
2.       The Sunday sermon will be available again this Sunday morning on the website – just like it was last Sunday.
3.       Remember to sign up for an in-home prayer meeting and Bible study.  You can do that HERE.
4.       The Easter Celebration is still scheduled for April 19.  Again, this date could change, but as of March 25 this plan is still in place.

I would like to say a special thank you to everyone who has had excellent suggestions regarding the sermon videos.  I have taken them all into consideration, and we may be able to implement some of them as we move forward.  Have patience with me; this is my first attempt at being a televangelist!

I love you all,

—Pastor Monroe

P.S. Ben Schettler has released the first episode of his television series.  You can watch that HERE